Research Projects | NC State IMSEI

An MIMSE student working on a research project for his MIMSE degree

Research Projects

Last Updated: 07/25/2022 and all information on this page is accurate and up-to-date

As an MIMSE student, you must complete six credit hours of project research (IMS 675) as part of your degree requirements. This research is supervised by your graduate committee chair, who is a faculty member of the Institute. The project aligns with your interests and may be completed through an IMSE Institute/Industry internship, faculty research support, or to address an industry need.

You will document the project results in a formal technical report. During your final oral examination, you will present and defend your project and report before the graduate committee. After your report is accepted, it will be submitted to the IMSE Institute, where it is permanently filed and made available to Institute members and the public.

IMSEI Industrial Affiliates

IMSEI promotes a multi-disciplinary approach to manufacturing research, applications, outreach, and education. It also plays a key role in developing and transferring technology to member companies, directly impacting their operations. Our sponsors and industry partners include many of the top companies in manufacturing and technology, highlighting IMSEI’s vital role in the field.