Don Warsing
Business Management
- Phone: 919.515.6954
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- Office: Nelson Hall 2314
Prior to joining NC State, Don Warsing served on the faculty of the Smeal College of Business at Pennsylvania State University and also worked for IBM Corporation in roles spanning from industrial engineering to manufacturing management. Warsing’s research concerns the development of tools and policies for effectively managing inventory, logistics, and business operations, and studying the way in which various management practices contribute to improved performance outcomes. His work has been published in Production and Operations Management, the Journal of Operations Management, Decision Sciences, and the European Journal of Operational Research, among others. He is also the co-author of a graduate-level textbook, Supply Chain Engineering: Models and Applications (CRC Press, 2012).
Research Interests
Warsing’s research interests focus on production and inventory management, advanced/additive manufacturing and logistics/distribution.
Degree | Program | School | Year |
Ph.D. | Doctor of Philosophy in Operations Management | UNC at Chapel Hill | 2000 |
MSM | Master of Science in Management | NC State University | 1995 |
BSIE | Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering | Ohio State University | 1989 |
Discover more about Don Warsing
- Implementing A Letter Of Credit Style Business Process For Small-Scale Contracting Using Smart Contracts
- Fukuzawa, M., Kay, M., McConnell, B., Thoney-Barletta, K., & Warsing, D. (2024, November 7). , .
- Implementing trades of the National Football League Draft on blockchain smart contracts
- Fukuzawa, M. B., McConnell, B. M., Kay, M. G., Thoney-Barletta, K. A., & Warsing, D. P. (2024, January 12), INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS MARKETING & SPONSORSHIP, Vol. 1.
- Optimization of testing protocols to screen for COVID-19: a multi-objective model
- Moheb-Alizadeh, H., Warsing Jr, D. P., Kouri, R. E., Taghiyeh, S., & Handfield, R. B. (2024, October 11), HEALTH CARE MANAGEMENT SCIENCE, Vol. 10.
- Complex and lean or lean and complex? The role of supply chain complexity in lean production
- Rossetti, C. L., Warsing, D. P., Flynn, B. B., & Bozarth, C. C. (2023, April 5), OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT RESEARCH, Vol. 4.
- A genetic algorithm for order acceptance and scheduling in additive manufacturing
- Kapadia, M. S., Uzsoy, R., Starly, B., & Warsing, D. P., Jr. (2021, October 23), INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH, Vol. 10.
- An analysis of optimal ordering policies for a two-supplier system with disruption risk
- Luo, S., Ahiska, S. S., Fang, S.-C., King, R. E., Warsing, D. P., Jr., & Wu, S. (2021), Omega - The International Journal of Management Science, 105, 102517.
- Efficient and sustainable closed-loop supply chain network design: A two-stage stochastic formulation with a hybrid solution methodology
- Moheb-Alizadeh, H., Handfield, R., & Warsing, D. (2021), JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, 308.
- Impact of Scheduling Policies on the Performance of an Additive Manufacturing Production System
- Kapadia, M. S., Starly, B., Thomas, A., Uzsoy, R., & Warsing, D. (2019), Procedia Manufacturing, 39, 447–456.
- Integrated traditional and additive manufacturing production profitability model
- Nagulpelli, K. S., King, R. E., & Warsing, D. (2019), 47TH SME NORTH AMERICAN MANUFACTURING RESEARCH CONFERENCE (NAMRC 47), Vol. 34, pp. 619–630.
- Computing base-stock levels for a two-stage supply chain with uncertain supply
- Warsing, D. P., Jr., Wangwatcharakul, W., & King, R. E. (2019), Omega, 89, 92–109.
- Designing a Test Kit Supply Chain in Response to COVID19 (COVID19-1.03)
- Integrated Traditional and Additive Manufacturing Production Systems, CAMAL Core Project
- Supply Chain Sourcing and Inventory Analysis, Center Core Project
- A study of current practices and techniques for staffing service job shops