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Fall 2022 IMSEI Graduation

Fall 2022 Graduation Ceremony

The IMSEI Fall 2022 Graduation Ceremony was a congratulations and farewell to not only graduate students, but also Bill Irwin, IMSEI Program Coordinator as he moves on to a new position. The event was led by Michael Kay, Director of IMSEI. Congratulations graduates!
Student Spotlight: Atharva Dhatingan

IMSEI Student Spotlight: Atharva Dhatingan

Atharva Dhatingan, a Master of Integrated Manufacturing and Systems Engineering student, loved to solve problems in creative and different ways when he was a child, so it's no surprise that he later received an undergrad engineering degree.

IMSEI Alumni Spotlight: Aman Patel

Since graduating from the IMSEI in 2018, Aman Patel has found opportunities across the country. He has embodied his advice to make the most of IMSEI's flexible program.